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Can you recall your favourite conversation? By favourite it could be most illuminating, interesting, powerful, life-changing connecting or special in some other way. If you can, what was it about that particular conversation? The person, timing, location, how it was delivered, the intent, the content, the words that were used?
I felt this week that, in our 14th year in business it might be worth sharing why we chose the name Minds Aligned for our company name and what guided our choice of logo because it may help you understand our overall philosophy for our company and also for life in general. And we haven’t shared it widely before.
The Government’s recent announcement that they will be funding The National Children’s Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy will be welcome news for many given that it is reported that 50% of children with mental health issues aren’t getting the help they need, when they need it.
Do you have a healthy set of personal boundaries? Perhaps that’s not something you’ve ever considered but if you have, what shaped yours and how well do you maintain them?
So much has been written and expressed, particularly recently and with the pandemic, about lockdowns, anxiety about mental health, confusion about what resilience really is, just hanging in there, coping and surviving, that it occurred to me that, with the focus being on that language of difficulty, we may have created the very challenge we are wanting to move away from.
At times we are asked to share some of our background with groups and we do that partly to reassure them that we’re human and therefore far from perfect and certainly don’t know everything, just like them.